Buying a leather tote bag online isn't easy. While we can talk you through which totes are structured and which ones are slouchy or help you compare drop lengths, there's only so much you can hear from us. So we called in some reinforcements: real KMM & Co. customers like you.
In the video reviews below, real customers who own KMM & Co. totes and carry them everyday share their thoughts about the totes they chose. 😍
1. Let's start with a customer who owns our classic Crazy Horse tote.
2. Next up: A customer with a limited-edition bag in Petrol Blue.
3. Now we have a customer who got our bestselling Tan Kodiak tote.
4. And then a customer with another gorgeous Tan Kodiak tote!
5. Next, hear from a KMM & Co. customer with a Raspberry tote.
6. This customer has a Tan Kodiak tote *and* a limited-edition Sage tote!
7. Then, a customer with a great Tan Kodiak tote. (Are you sensing a theme?)
8. Let's hear from another customer with a beautiful Tan Kodiak bag!
9. And, you guessed it, another customer who chose the Tan Kodiak tote.
10. Three in a row! Another happy KMM & Co. customer with a Tan Kodiak tote.
11. This customer has a limited-edition Raspberry tote.
12. KMM & Co. customers also love tote bundles, like this customer's limited-edition Cinnamon tote bundle.
13. Here's another happy customer with her Cinnamon tote bundle!
14. And this customer chose a Cognac tote, a gorgeous leather tote bag that's the perfect year-round color.
We hope that you enjoyed hearing real customers talk about their KMM & Co. totes! Check out our current lineup of permanent collection totes and limited-edition leather tote bags to find your perfect match.
Are you interested in submitting a video review of your own? Just send us an email at! We love seeing new videos and sharing them with our customers, so we'll even give you a $50 KMM & Co. gift card for taking the time to make a video!